Dr. Timothy Barney
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Distinguished Teaching Fellow, Eastern Communication Association, Class of 2021.
Wrage-Baskerville Award, Public Address Division, National Communication Association, November 2020 (for top paper submission in Public Address).
Distinguished Research Fellow, Eastern Communication Association, 2020.
Rhetoric Society of America Fellows’ Early Career Award, 2019.
Ecroyd Teaching Excellence Award, Eastern Communication Association, 2019.
Top Three Paper. Rhetoric and Public Address Interest Group, Eastern Communication Association, 2019. For “Teach a Man to Map: Development Politics, Cartography, and the United Nations.” To be presented at the annual convention of ECA in April, 2019.
Top Paper. Rhetoric and Public Address Interest Group, Eastern Communication Association, 2018. For “Citizen Cartography, North Korea, and the Visual Economy of Satellite Imagery.” Presented at the annual convention of ECA in April, 2018.
Distinguished Educator Award, University of Richmond, 2017.
Honorary Inductee, Phi Belta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars, April 2017.
Gerald R. Miller Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, National Communication Association, 2013.
Dissertation of the Year, Critical and Cultural Studies Division, National Communication Association, 2012.
Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Society for the History of Rhetoric, 2012.
Lynda Lee Kaid Outstanding Dissertation Award, Political Communication Division, National Communication Association, 2012.
Wrage-Baskerville Award, National Communication Association, Public Address Division, November 2011 (for top paper submission in Public Address).
Charles Richardson Award, Department of Communication, University of Maryland, May 2010 (for the most outstanding Ph.D. student in the department).
Outstanding Service Award, Department of Communication, University of Maryland, May 2010.
Recipient, 2010 Centennial Scholarship Award, Eastern Communication Association, April 2010 (given to one Ph.D. student annually for dissertation research).
Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award, Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland, May 2010.
Co-Recipient, 2010 Civic Engagement Grant, Coalition for Civic Engagement and Leadership and the Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland, November 2009.
Department of Communication Outstanding Research Paper Award, University of Maryland, May 2008 and May 2009 (for best submitted, student-authored research essay of the academic year).
Raymond Ehrensberger Award, Department of Communication, University of Maryland, May 2007 (for the most outstanding M.A. student in the department).
Department of Communication Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Maryland, April 2006.
Barney, Timothy. “Weinberger, Wild Bill, and the Nuclear Cartography of the Second Cold War.” University of Michigan’s Taubman School of Architecture, “Instant Knowledge Workshop.” April 2019
Barney, Timothy. “Citizen Cartography, North Korea, and the Visual Economy of Satellite Imagery.” A presentation at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, April 2018 (Top Paper in Rhetoric and Public Address).
Parry-Giles, Trevor and Timothy Barney. “A New Paranoid Style for a New Age: The Rhetorical Lives of the Manchurian Candidate from the Cold War to Campaign 2016.” A paper presentation at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, November 2017.
Barney, Timothy. “Contextualizing State Failure and Necropolitics: A Response to Sara McKinnon.” An invited response at the bi-annual Public Address Conference, October 2016.
Barney, Timothy. “The Rhetorical Lives of Cold War Maps.” Featured Speaker, U.S.S. Midway Teachers Institute on the Cold War, San Diego, July 2016.
Barney, Timothy. “The Rhetorical Lives of Cold War Maps.” Featured Speaker, Visual Learning Conference, Budapest, November 2015.Barney, Timothy. “The Rhetorical Lives of Cold War Maps.” An invited lecture at the biannual conference on cartography by the Library of Congress, entitled “From Terra to Terrabytes: The History of Cartography in the 20th Century and Beyond.” May 2014.
Barney, Timothy. “A More Perfect European Union?: Space, Time, and the Transnational Networks of the EU’s Embassy Open House in Washington, D.C.” A paper presentation at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, April 2013 (Top Papers in Rhetoric and Public Address).
Barney, Timothy. "Gulag Slavery, Inc.: The Power of Place and the Rhetorical Life of a Cold War Map." A paper presentation at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, November 2011 (Top Paper in Public Address Division).
Barney, Timothy. "American Projector: S.W. Boggs and the Cartographic Vision of the State Department in the Early Cold War." A paper presentation at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, April 2011.
Barney, Timothy. "'Missiles as Missives': The Radical Cartography of William Bunge's Nuclear War Atlas." A paper presentation at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, November 2009.
Barney, Timothy. "'A Tale of Two Vaclavs': Rhetorical History and the Concept of 'Return' in Postcommunist Czech Leadership." A paper presentation at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, April 2009 (Top Papers in Rhetoric and Public Address).
Professional Experience
Copywriter, Mack/Crounse Strategic Communications (Election Cycles 2006, 2007, and 2008)
Barney, Timothy. Mapping the Cold War: Cartography and the Framing of America's International Power. University of North Carolina Press, December 2014.
Journal ArticlesBarney, Timothy. “'The Angel of Sarbandan': Ford Foundation Philanthropy, Transnational Development Rhetoric, and the Scalar Geopolitics of 1950s Iran.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 26, no. 2 (2023): 33-64.
Barney, Timothy. “Colonial Vestiges on the Map: A Rhetorical History of Development Cartography at the United Nations During Post-War Decolonization.” Journal for the History of Rhetoric 23, no. 2 (2020): 173–198.
Parry-Giles, Trevor, and Timothy Barney. “Envisioning a Remembered Future: The Rhetorical Life and Times of The Manchurian Candidate.” The Journal of Popular Film and Television 48, no. 2 (2020): 62–76 (lead article).
Barney, Timothy. “Václav Havel at the End of the Cold War: The Invention of Post-Communist Transition in the Address to U.S. Congress, February 21, 1990.” Communication Quarterly 67 (2019): 560–83.
Barney, Timothy. “The Sight and Site of North Korea: Citizen Cartography’s Rhetoric of Resolution in the Satellite Imagery of Labor Camps.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 105 (2019): 1-24. [lead article]
Barney, Timothy. “Criticism on the Map.” Review of Communication 16, Special Issue: Rhetorical Criticism’s Multitudes (2016): 80-82.
Barney, Timothy. “Citizen Havel and the Construction of Czech Presidentiality.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 101 (2015): 585-611. [lead article]
Barney, Timothy. “A More Perfect European Union?: The Transnational Networks of the EU’s Embassy Open House in Washington, DC.” Popular Communication 13 (2015): 288-309.
Barney, Timothy. "'A Tale of Two Vaclavs': Rhetorical History and the Concept of 'Return' in Post-Communist Czech Leadership." Advances in the History of Rhetoric, Special Issue: Rhetorics of '1989' and After: Rhetorical Archaeologies of Political Transition, 18 (2015): 109-134.
Barney, Timothy. "The Peters Projection and the Latitude and Longitude of Re-Colonization." Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 7, no. 2 (2014): 103-126. [lead article]
Barney, Timothy. "Diagnosing the Third World: The 'Map Doctor' and the Spatialized Discourses of Disease and Development in the Cold War." Quarterly Journal of Speech 100, no. 1 (2014): 1-30. [lead article]
Barney, Timothy. "'Gulag--Slavery, Inc.': The Power of Place and the Rhetorical Life of a Cold War Map." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 16, no. 2 (2013): 250-84.
Barney, Timothy. "Richard Edes Harrison and the Cartographic Perspective of Modern Internationalism." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 15 (2012): 397–434. [lead article]
Barney, Timothy. "Power Lines: The Rhetoric of Maps as Social Change in the Post-Cold War Landscape." Quarterly Journal of Speech 95 (2009): 412-34.
Barney, Timothy. "When We Was Red: Good Bye Lenin! and Nostalgia for the 'Everyday GDR.'" Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies 6 (2009): 132-51.
Barney, Tim. "Adlai E. Stevenson, 'A New America,' Acceptance Address at the Democratic National Convention (17 August 1956)." Voices of Democracy 3 (2008): 182-204.
Barney, Tim. "Celebrity, Spectacle, and the Conspiracy Culture of Election 2000." American Behavioral Scientist 144 (2001): 2331-337.
Book ChaptersBarney, Timothy. “The Post-Cold War American Presidency and the Rhetorical Invention of Václav Havel.” In Beyond the Cold War: Presidential Rhetoric in Central and Eastern Europe, ed. Rebecca M. Townsend, 171-91. New York: Peter Lang, 2024.
Barney, Timothy. “Contextualizing State Failure and Necropolitics.” In The Conceit of Context, eds. Charles E. Morris and Kendall Phillips, 328-336. Peter Lang, 2020.
Farish, Matthew, and Timothy Barney. “Maps and the State.” In The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd Edition, ed. Audrey Kobayashi, 379–90. Elsevier, 2019.
Barney, Timothy. “Cartographer-in-Chief: Maps in Televisual Addresses and the Cold War President as Geographic Educator.” In Reading the Presidency: Advances in Presidential Rhetoric, eds. Stephen J. Heidt and Mary E. Stuckey, 23-43. New York: Peter Lang, 2018.
Barney, Timothy. “Cartographies of War and Peace.” In The Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography, eds. Peter Vujakovic and Alexander J. Kent, 173–184. London: Routledge Press, 2017.
Barney, Timothy. “The Rhetorical Lives of (Cold War) Maps.” In In the Beginning Was the Image: The Omnipresence of Pictures, Visual Learning Series, eds. Andrew Bender and Agnes Veszelszki, 83-90. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2016.