Rhetoric & Communication Studies Major & Minor
Rhetoric and communication studies is quite versatile, making it an excellent liberal arts major. RHCS students learn critical thinking, speaking, writing and relating skills that prepare them to be good citizens of a pluralistic society. The versatility of the study allows for graduates to pursue any range of professional interests. A regular survey of our alumni shows that our majors go into almost any professional direction they desire after graduation. Recent RHCS graduates have gone on to pursue careers in law, education (from elementary school to college), politics, religion, media, publishing, non-profit work and entrepreneurial work.
The Rhetoric and Communication Studies Major
Note: The grade point average for coursework comprising the major must reach a C (2.0) or higher with no course grade counting toward major below a C- (1.7).
10 units, including:
RHCS101 Key Terms in Communication
Two units of Foundational Courses
One unit 100-200 level elective
Two units of Research Methods in Rhetoric Communication
Three units 300- or 400-level electives
RHCS490 Senior Capstone
Note: FYS taught by faculty of the department may count as one of the two 100-200 level electives.
The Rhetoric and Communication Studies Minor
Note: The grade point average for coursework comprising the minor must reach a C (2.0) or higher with no course grade counting toward minor below a C- (1.7).
Six units, including:
RHCS101 Key Terms in Communication
One unit 100-200 level electives
Two units of Research Methods in Rhetoric Communication
Two units 300- or 400-level electives
Note: FYS taught by faculty of the department may count as one of the two 100-200 level electives.